Category Archives: Research


Optimal Rebalancing in a Volatile World

Rebalancing is a critically important element of portfolio management, but it gets scarcely the attention it deserves. Our research shows that disciplined rebalancing is necessary to maintain a portfolio at its desired risk and return levels – without it, the whims of the market can considerably alter a portfolio’s composition.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Rates?

With short-term interest rates at historic lows, and the end of the Federal Reserve’s latest bond purchase program scheduled in October, investors are right to wonder about the prospect of rising interest rates. This wonder naturally turns to concern for fixed income portfolios, which derive their return from the overall level of interest rates in the economy and are thus naturally exposed to the effects of interest rate movements, both positive and negative.

2014 Capital Market Assumptions

Sellwood Consulting’s 2014 Capital Market Assumptions are now available. These assumptions are the primary input for our asset allocation work for clients, being the input variables for mean-variance optimization, Monte Carlo analysis, and risk budgeting.

This year, though we have made incremental enhancements to our methods for gauging the future value of assets, we have maintained our focus on the primary, reliable drivers of risk and return. Our assumptions are anchored in the empirical facts